
在线支付仍是小众技术|澳门bet356·体育在线官网发布日期:2024-09-30 14:11:44 浏览次数:482
本文摘要:It can take a long time for new ideas to catch on in the payments world. Plastic debit and credit cards, for example, account for half of payments in the UK and US, but it has taken more than 60 years to get there. Globally, cash is still dominant.缴纳领域的新点子有可能必须很长时间才能获得推展。

It can take a long time for new ideas to catch on in the payments world. Plastic debit and credit cards, for example, account for half of payments in the UK and US, but it has taken more than 60 years to get there. Globally, cash is still dominant.缴纳领域的新点子有可能必须很长时间才能获得推展。例如,塑料借记卡和信用卡在英国和美国占到到一半的缴纳份额,但它们是花上了60多年才做这一点的。就全球而言,现金支付仍占到主导地位。

Despite being 15 years old, online payment system PayPal only accounts for about 10 per cent of online payments, says Bob Graham, senior vice-president for banking and financial services at consulting firm Virtusa.咨询公司Virtusa负责管理银行业和金融服务的高级副总裁鲍勃格雷厄姆(Bob Graham)回应,尽管有数15年的历史,但在线缴纳系统PayPal仅有占到在线缴纳市场约10%的份额。The online payments market is still small, accounting for just 2-3 per cent of consumer transactions worldwide, says Patrick Collison, co-founder of payment service Stripe. According to some estimates, there are 366bn non-cash transactions each year.缴纳服务公司Stripe牵头创始人帕特里克科利森(Patrick Collison)回应,在线缴纳市场规模依然较小,只占全世界消费交易的2%-3%。根据某些估计,每年非现金交易规模约3660亿美元。However, the online payments market is expected to grow, not least because consumers want easier ways to pay for goods. Businesses also want more efficient mechanisms to handle trade invoices and payments.然而,在线缴纳市场未来将会快速增长,主要是因为消费者期望以更加便捷的方式缴付。

企业也期望有更加高效的机制来处置交易票据和缴纳事宜。Barriers for new payment systems include cost and rates of adoption. Retailers have to pay for tills and card readers and banks have to put in software to process payments. New payment systems need to reach a point where there are enough cards, tokens or apps in circulation, and enough tills, ticket barriers, or websites willing to accept them, to justify any investment.推展新的缴纳系统的障碍还包括成本和采用率。零售商被迫花钱购买收银机和读卡器,银行被迫加装软件来处置缴纳事宜。只有当银行卡、口令牌或应用程序充足普及,同时还有充足的收银台、检票口或者网站不愿拒绝接受它们,新的缴纳系统才有一点投资。

Despite this, there is no shortage of newcomers, such as PayM and Barclays’ Pingit in the UK, Swish in Sweden, or Apple Pay, looking for customers.即便不存在障碍,新的缴纳系统也在不断涌现,比如英国的PayM和巴克莱(Barclays)的Pingit,瑞典的Swish或者Apple Pay。These are likely to succeed or fail based on the experience of consumers. Unless they are secure and convenient, they will remain niche technologies.这些在线缴纳技术有可能顺利也有可能告终,关键看用户体验。除非十分安全性和便捷,否则它们将仍然是小众技术。A million people signed up to Apple Pay (a mobile wallet app that lets consumers make contactless payments with their phones) in its first week of operation in October. But this is tiny compared with the plastic cards market, says Mr Graham.今年10月,Apple Pay(一种移动钱包应用于,让消费者通过手机非接触式缴纳)上线第一周就有100万人登记。

但格雷厄姆回应,与塑料银行卡市场比起,这种数量微不足道。John Skipper, a technology expert at PA Consulting, says payment systems have to be easy for consumers. He says a big barrier to adoption has been confusion about how systems work. Pingit was a success among Barclays’ customers because it was clear and straightforward to use. But, he adds, it failed to become widely adopted, because it was too inaccessible for non-Barclays customers.PA Consulting的技术专家约翰斯基珀(John Skipper)回应,缴纳系统必需让消费者更容易用于。


Another problem for newcomers is that the variety of payment systems is deterring retailers from investing in the technology, as they wait for global standards to emerge.新的转入这一行业的企业面对的另一个问题是,现在的缴纳系统五花八门,这使得零售商不愿投资于这种技术,它们等候涉及方制订全球标准。But perhaps the greatest change is the way consumers use smartphones to make purchases. To pay by a card on a smartphone, says Jean Lassignardie, chief marketing officer at Capgemini Financial Services, means typing in a card number and an address, which can be awkward, so a an electronic wallet or PayPal is a strong alternative.但是仅次于的转变也许在于消费者用于智能手机购物的方式。英国凯捷金融服务(Capgemini Financial Services)首席营销官吉恩纳西格纳蒂尔(Jean Lassignardie)回应,在智能手机上用银行卡缴纳意味著要输出卡号和地址,这有可能有些不方便,因此电子钱包或PayPal是一种较好的替代。

The services consumers are paying for on their phones are changing too, from purely digital items such as music downloads, to taxis, accommodation, or meals. As a result, digitally driven services, such as Uber, a lift-sharing company, or Airbnb, which lets people rent accommodation online, are as much about processing payments and creating trust as they are about the apps.消费者在手机上出售的服务也在转变,从音乐iTunes等纯粹的数字产品发展到微信、住宿或餐饮服务。因此,拼车公司Uber或者容许人们在线租房的Airbnb等数字驱动的服务某种程度必须处置缴纳问题和创建信任,而且还必须涉及应用于。Physical retailers are also adopting digital payments. Companies such as Starbucks have persuaded consumers to pay by mobile apps by combining payments and a loyalty scheme.实体零售商也在使用数字缴纳方式。星巴克(Starbucks)等公司将缴纳和会员项目融合一起,劝说消费者用于移动应用于缴纳。

One reason electronic wallets – and other alternatives to cash and cards – have so far failed to take off is that they have not made consumers’ lives simpler or brought value to the businesses that use them.电子钱包以及其他替换现金和银行卡的缴纳方式目前为止没能取得成功的一个原因是,它们没让消费者的生活更为非常简单,或者为用于它们的商家带给价值。“There is no value added in a business such as a hotel accepting additional payment [systems],”says Deborah Baxley, a consultant at Capgemini Financial Services. “But,” she adds, “it can remove a source of irritation for consumers.”英国凯捷金融服务的顾问德博拉巴克斯利(Deborah Baxley)回应:“酒店等拒绝接受额外缴纳(系统)的企业没减少任何价值。

但是,它可以避免一个让消费者反感的根源。”Businesses are more likely to invest in systems that will give them greater control over the value such systems can add to their business.企业更加有可能投资于那些将让它们对此类系统所减少的价值有更大控制权的系统。“Big corporates are taking matters into their own hands [on payments],” says Christophe Uzureau, a payments expert at analysts Gartner. “There is a movement to have more control over issues such as cash management.”咨询公司Gartner缴纳专家Christophe Uzureau回应:“大企业于是以自己动手创立(缴纳业务)。现在有一种增大对现金管理等事务的控制权的趋势。

”Ultimately, online payments could allow businesses to wrest more control of the payment value chain from banks. Along the way, they stand to gather more data about customers’ habits by combining information on purchases, locations and loyalty programmes.最后,在线缴纳有可能让企业需要从银行那里勇夺对缴纳价值链的更大控制权。在此过程中,它们不会融合出售、方位和会员信息来收集更加多有关客户购物习惯的数据。

Smart online wallets, which calculate the best bank, card or other payment scheme for a consumer using criteria such as offers, loyalty points, interest charges and exchange rates, may be the next thing, suggests Matthew Friend, managing director and head of Accenture Payment Services in North America.Accenture Payment Services董事总经理、北美地区负责人马修弗兰德(Matthew Friend)回应,在线智能钱包有可能是下一个热点。在线智能钱包从优惠、分数、利息费用和汇率等标准抵达,为客户计算出来出有最佳的银行、银行卡或其他缴纳方式。Nonetheless, the online payments sector will grow, if only because accepting more ways to pay will allow businesses to sell more. “Every time a website accepts new ways to pay, it drives more transactions,” Mr Friend says.然而,就算只是因为拒绝接受更加多缴纳方式将不会减少企业的销售,在线缴纳领域也不会获得发展。


